quarta-feira, julho 07, 2004

50 Anos de Rock

07/05/1954 - It all started in Memphis

In 1954, he rocked is town. Then the world.

Fifty years late, he's still on a roll. The Beatles came to dethrone the King. Then the Stones, the Dead and U2. Still, he rocks.

From the grave. From Graceland. In the veins of Justin, and Saliva, and hip-hop strivers who feel his heat, his flow, a while guy who sang black.

He lit the flame on July 5, 1954. With a little song from Sun, "Thats All Right." And it was. Still is. Forever will be.

This is part one of a story, the story of the place where rock began . Where the ghost of Elvis lives: Memphis, Tennessee.

"Chris Peck, Editor"

Pois é, já passaram 50 anos...
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