Dá-me música
Esta música pertence a uma das faixas do White Album, que frequentemente é considerado como um dos melhores já produzidos no mundo.
A pesquisa foi feita entre mil pessoas. Em segundo lugar entre as piores ficou a música do jogador de futebol britânico Paul Gascoigne, Fog on the Tyne.
Em terceiro lugar ficou I'll do Anything for Love, música de 1993 dos Meat Loaf. Entre os dez piores também aparecem 5ive, Cliff Richard, Vanilla Ice e Steps.
Três das piores músicas são cantadas por jogadores de futebol, entre elas a música Diamond Lights, de Glenn Hoddle e Chris Waddle.
Toda a gente conhece o Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, mas e o Fog on the Tyne? Não sabem o que perdem...Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Sitting in a sleazy snackbar sucking sickly sausage rolls
In a dirty old town on the back of the Tyne, setting my sights on go-go-goal;
It's plain to see, it's black and white, this Geordie boy's gonna do all right
Gonna make you dance, gonna make you sing, those Geordie boys do anything;
Tell it like it is, today will take its time to tell you what tonight might bring,
They spur you on in London town when you hear those Geordies sing. Sing:
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
So come around and get on down, everybody do their thing,
You'll know for sure that they're in town when you hear those Geordies sing;
They'll build you up, never knock you down, they won't give up the fight;
The time is now, the time is right, let's dance on a Friday night. Sing:
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
(Instrumental break.)
They'll build you up, never knock you down, everybody do their thing,
You'll know for sure that they're in town when you hear those Geordies sing; (go-go-goal)
So come around and get on down, you know you're gonna score;
Spread the word all over town and hear that Geordie roar. Sing:
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
(Instrumental break.)
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Gonna make you dance, gonna make you sing, those Geordie boys do anything,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
They'll build you up, never knock you down, everybody do their thing,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine.
Hear those Geordies sing, come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine;
Come on!
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine,
Fog on the Tyne is all mine...
E ainda há quem diga mal do Tony Carreira...
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