sexta-feira, maio 07, 2004

Behind Black Eyes

No one knows what it's like
To get their ass kicked
To get their head stomped
Behind black eyes

And no one knows what it's like
To lose a fight
To be kicked around
Until you're beaten up

But my scars, they aren't as deadly
As my bruises seem to be
I've had people making fun of me
My strength is futile
Just kick my ass

No one knows what it's like
To feel like I do
What I've gone through
And I blame you

And no one slaps me as hard
As the girls do
None of my come-on lines
Can work through


No one knows what it's like
To be manhandled
To be derailed
Behind black eyes

No one knows how to say
That they're worthy
Of those beatings
Till they find out why


No one knows what it's like
To get their ass kicked
To get their head stomped
Behind black eyes

Deve ter sido atraves desta musica
que nasceu a famosa expressao...
"Ter um olho a Belenenses"
Se pudesses quem "esmurrarias" tu?
Eu? Tem dias, hoje era aqui o chefe!

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